Top Number -- Outside on the patio.
Bottom Number -- Inside in the kitchen area.
What more can I say. Other than that was yesterday.
Today it isn't quite so bad. Yet.
I finished unpacking boxes that were still sitting on the floor in the studio. I put away a lot of the rubber stamps I had piled up. Friday I hit a super JoAnn Store. I bought a bunch of pretty boxes to store my stamping stuff in (40% off), a couple of plastic bins (50% off) and a 3 drawer plastic drawer unit (50% off) plus a 10% off everything coupon. Did I feel great? Of course. I wish they had more of the pretty boxes as I bought all they had. The pretty boxes look much nicer as you come up the stairs to the studio.
After I got that done I sewed on the million pieces quilt. I figured out how many side strips I could cut from the fabric I had. I thought I would make whatever size quilt I could based on how many side strips I could get out of the fabric. If I cut the short side of the strips parallel to the selvedge I could get 84 pieces, if I cut the long side I could get 180? Hum, I think I need to do the math again. Perhaps I should get out my book on Taking the Math Out of Quilting? I'll keep you posted. If I really can get 180 out of the fabric I have a LOT more blocks to make!
There's still a lot of work to be done in the studio. I need to clear off the tops of things: sewing desk, cutting table and shelves. I would love to have this studio stay NEAT. (All right Pat, Jenny and the rest of you who are laughing like hyenas...) I can dream of being neat even if everyone who knows me knows that is just about impossible for me.
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