A week ago I was on a quilting adventure. I met up with some lovely ladies from Amelia, VA and we drove out to Harrisonburg, Va. (I'm trying hard to not get confused with Harrisburg, PA....)
We started at Patchwork Plus Quilt Shop. I couldn't help but take a photo of this little gem. Somedays that sounds like my life.
Here's the inside of the store... didn't think to get a photo going INTO the store. Sigh.
I did buy that cool jacket pattern but of course, I don't have enough fabric to make the thing in batiks like it is shown. But wait, let me think a minute. I have some fabrics from -- hum, Africa? One of them might look good and I actually may have enough fabric to make the jacket with short sleeves. New thing to ponder tomorrow.
You can't really see it but there was a darling baby onesie with a skirt that the new grandbaby would look darling in. (Of course, she needs to arrive first! Her mommy and daddy are ready, really ready.)
Next we hit lunch and saw this while we were

parking. I'm wondering if the occupants were going to the BB&T bank? Just sayin'.
After lunch at an interesting country restaurant we headed back to an Amish Farm Market. I bought cheese, red hots (one of my favorite snacking candy) and some fresh fruit. We hit another fabric store. (And, yes, I was good and didn't buy ANY fabric. Even after walking around with a bolt of fabric in my arms for 10 minutes. Didn't even miss it when I got home.)
Our last stop of the day was a Taco Bell where they have a great Lime Ade drink. Unfortunately they didn't have drive through margaritas but this tasted like it should have been a margarita.
Needless to say no quilting was done that day as it was almost 3 hours to get up to Harrisonburg.
I'll be telling tales of our weekend with the Makis later this week. (with very little quilting done...)
Happy quilting all!