And, for all the mathematicians out there -- check out the date: 3/3/09. It's square root day. According to USA Today, there are only 9 square root days a century. This one is so obviously quilty it is almost scary! What is a nine patch but a testament to squared numbers. 3x3=9.
In honor of square root day, I share with you 9 patch quilts.
This is probably based on a quilt at but darn if I can find the pattern. It was quilted by Maria O'Haver. She did a superb job. View her website here ... and notice the quilt on the machine! You should check out all of her pages though. I notice she has added rental time on a midarm machine -- if you are in the Maryland area give it a try. I really enjoyed my experience last week on a midarm.

Check out the close up work here. She used blue thread in the blue triangles and 9 patches and then used white in the rest of the quilt.
Below is a 9 patch that I did with my friend, Sharon. She and I used to do quilts together on a regular basis. However, since my move we haven't tried it. But, who knows, we might some time. This was done for a baby boy. We used our stashes for the most part.
Now, without further ado I need to hit the studio. Yesterday I worked on the million pieces quilt (so named by me because of all the little blocks going into this quilt.) Since the main part of the blocks are done I think I will quilt the borders on another mystery quilt. It's just borders, binding and label to do and that will be a finish.
Happy Quilting on 3/3/09, definitely a day to do a 9 patch. Bonnie
This is probably based on a quilt at but darn if I can find the pattern. It was quilted by Maria O'Haver. She did a superb job. View her website here ... and notice the quilt on the machine! You should check out all of her pages though. I notice she has added rental time on a midarm machine -- if you are in the Maryland area give it a try. I really enjoyed my experience last week on a midarm.
Check out the close up work here. She used blue thread in the blue triangles and 9 patches and then used white in the rest of the quilt.
Below is a 9 patch that I did with my friend, Sharon. She and I used to do quilts together on a regular basis. However, since my move we haven't tried it. But, who knows, we might some time. This was done for a baby boy. We used our stashes for the most part.
Happy Quilting on 3/3/09, definitely a day to do a 9 patch. Bonnie
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to see my blog and also the encouraging words. I never heard of the salami method. I like it. I usually phrase it as: How do eat an Elephant?....One bite at a time! Hehehe.
I am trying to get real about my passion. Just had a light bulb moment because of another visitor about only having 1 UFO out at a time. SImple when you think of it but I'm saying to myself, WHy didn't I think of that?
I visited your blog before and have been inspired. Beautiful quilt and I think very worthy since it is a "Square Root Day". Never heard of that, but liking Math like I do I'll run with it.
Happy stitching and thanks again for your kind words.
Jane, An Adirondack Quilter
I love the first 9 Patch Quilt. What a great layout. Will have to try that one as a lender and ender quilt. I am just learning about doing quilts using that method. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteEileen from MS
Yup...Happy Birthday Jenny! Dad