WAIT, No, I don't want any more snow. But we are on watch for snow -- anywhere from 4 to 9". Starting tonight, ending tomorrow evening. With luck, we won't get as much as some areas.
Guess I'll be staying in the house tomorrow. Sounds like a quilt day for me. One of the quilts I should work on is this green, blue and beige scrap quilt. It was a mystery quilt last year, called Nickel Quilt. It was easy to do the squares using the walking foot. The quarter square triangles were another thing. I did little semi circles inside and outside these areas. (A completely different design could have been done with a long arm.) I need to tie off all the thread and then quilt the borders. Hum, would feathers be good in the borders? Perhaps if I don't make dense feathers it would work, as this quilt is lightly quilted.

So, keep tuned. Maybe I'll actually work on this quilt tomorrow. And, maybe not. I'm working on a quilt I still call the million pieces quilt. I'm in the process of putting the blocks together so that may take precedence. But who knows what I'll feel like doing tomorrow!
Happy Stitching! Bonnie
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