First off was lunch with Marge Gordon and some of the other Fabricholic Annonymous ladies and some who go to Marge's retreats. Marge runs retreats at the Bird-In-Hand Inn. We went to Isaac's for lunch. (Yum -- if you have a chance to go there all the food was great!) Pat was in charge of photos. Here we are seated from left to right, Joan, Bonnie (that would be me), Candy, Laura and Jen. Standing behind me is Marge and on the other side is Suzie. (Ladies I apologize if any name is misspelled!)

Pat and I went from there to the "renegade" vendors mall. (I think they actually call it Cherry Festival or some such thing but it was first explained to me as renegade from the Quilter's Heritage so it stays that!) We wandered around there for a couple of hours. At least an hour was spent with the HQ16 people -- Hi Debbie! The HQ16 is a really nice mid arm quilting set up. The people (I think all of them were from the Quilt Basket) were fabulous but I wanted a little bigger space to do the quilting. Plus, on Friday, we knew there were several additional machines for sale at the show.
What amazed me the most is I didn't buy ANYTHING from those vendors. I was on a mission. By the time we left we were exhausted. Internet was down in the Quality Inn where we stayed so we could not read or post anything. Bummer!
It is really time for me to get to quilting today. I've been either on the phone or the computer since 8 am! More on Lancaster trip later....
Happy Quilting! Bonnie
Thank you for the nice comment on my blog, re the diaper bag. I have reservations to go to the Bird In Hand retreat in October. Looking forward to it. Any words of inspiration for me. It is going to be a mystery retreat.
ReplyDeleteDiane, Tampa, FL