Remember this post with the picture of my new purse from Jen? Jen, this post is for you. I sewed the button on. I have a pretty great collection of buttons from both my mom and my grandma. So I rooted around in the tins and boxes and found a handful of buttons I thought would go with the purse. After auditioning them, I sewed this one on. Here's the skinny on the pattern for this bag: It is called the Salem Bag, sold by Creature Comforts Quilting.

The plan for tomorrow is laundry (bluck!) and getting a back for a quilt that needs to go to the long armer. And, more handquilting on Spring!
Happy Quilting! Bonnie
Bonnie, when I was doing hand stuff, I used a surgical instrument to pull the needle through after loading the stitches. You can buy them - either a hemostat or a needle holder. I use the needle holder as it is made for sewing. It sure saves the hands. There are also some marketed as craft pliers or something like that. Same thing. I hope your hands feel better, soon.