Now this group of three bunnies are my favorites. The little plaid bunny is one of several I made for my kids quite a while ago. This one was Kevin's. I'm not sure where Jenny's is since the move. The little one to the right was given to me by our good friend, Barb. Now the taller bunny was made by Sandy, a friend in Faithful Circle Quilters. For several years, she would make a bunny for each of the auctions we sponsored. And, I would bid. It took me several times to win the bid because these bunnies were very popular. I am sorry that I haven't found her basket of carrots. The little quilt they are sitting on I won from a raffle. It came with an American Girl doll, clothes, several quilts and a little chair. The doll isn't out but I ran across the quilt when I unpacked something! The bunny is sitting on a chair. Here's a close up of her face. Isn't she sweet? I have a ufo I've started working on -- two stuffed bunnies. I'll share a picture of them if I finish anytime soon.

Woot, woot! I had success making muffies. That would be muffin tops for those of you who don't eat at Panera's. I really like them and have been trying to recreate them. I've been using Betty Crockers mini muffin mixes to get this figured out. And yesterday I was able to make a perfect muffin top! The BC mixes seem a little more liquid then home made muffins. The package that makes 6 regular muffins makes 3, mayb
e 4 muffies. I use the convection oven at 375 for 14 minutes. (And of course, the muffin top pan.) And yummy muffies are the results!

Here's an update on the Spring! quilt. It is almost done. I have the binding on ready to turn and stitch. Yes siree! I am going to have it done by tomorrow! And, it will be hanging on the wall. I'll take a picture and post it tomorrow. (It is too hard to get a decent picture at night.)
Happy Quilting All! Bonnie
Your bunnies are cute, but I really like your star quilt.
Yes, it is really nice. Sadly, I didn't make it! I could... but I didn't ...