Bricks and Stepping Stones is quilted. I am harried. Evidently I picked up some needles that "looked" like they were the right ones for my machine but were in reality, a hair too long. That translated into broken needles while sewing -- at least four of them, maybe five. And, every time a needle broke it left a little hole in the quilt. URGH. Luckily this quilt is for me. I will be repairing the little holes and I doubt anyone will know except me. I have needles directly from the Nolting people coming in, hopefully soon.
Next up on Ruthie will be a twin size charity quilt. I don't know what I will quilt on it yet. Something free motion, that's for sure. But, I won't even consider starting until the new needles show up.
I signed up to take classes next April at MQX the big machine quilting show in the northeast. And, surprise, surprise, -- I got all the classes I wanted to. Hopefully I will learn lots during that week. Anyone else going to MQX in April. We'll have to plan a meeting!
Here are a couple I noticed in the lobby of the Shawnee Inn where Quilter's Day Out was held. It was
hard to get a decent picture but they were quite the couple!
Pam -- here are some of the blocks I sent

you . I just loved this little witchy. I don't think I have any more fabric with it on. I may not have had yardage -- I might have gotten it with a batch of 4 1/2" squares.

Have you tried this block yet? The
directions are here
Twisted Happy Block. I have wanted to do some but just hadn't gotten around to it until Pam wanted some for her blocks for FCQ Equilters. I whipped out 10. I'll probably make others but I am trying to finish up enough regular Happy Blocks for a charity quilt. And, I have to get a few charity quilts packaged so I can mail them out. I think I have 6 hanging around in a closet upstairs.
Tomorrow I start another mystery quilt over at Mysteries for Relay. I'm jazzed because it uses 2 1/2" strips. My drawer of 2 1/2" strips was overflowing. While watching Antique Roadshow I sorted through and grabbed a goodly number of light and dark strips. My plan tomorrow is to be ready to go at 9 am for the first installment. I can sew until 3:15 or so when I have to leave to volunteer at the library. Should be a great day.
It is past time to get ready for my Wednesday quilt group. I still need to make my lunch and grab my project. I plan on working on a Tisket a Tasket applique from Bunny Hill Designs. I haven't done a thing on any of the blocks for a couple of months.
Happy quilting all!