I am blessed with not being responsible for cooking. It was going to be just Pat and I home for Thanksgiving when, surprise, surprise -- Kevin invited us over to his place for dinner. Cool. We'll be driving down to Maryland tomorrow and coming home Saturday. We'll be staying at Jenny's townhouse cause she's in Ohio with Brian's family. We're official cat-sitters and bringers-in-of-the-garbage-can people. Sweet!
I finally finished the binding on the quilt from Stash_Quilters on Yahoo groups. It went in the mail today winging its way to someone at Everett Naval Station. How appropriate for me as my Dad was in the Navy for 30+ years. I believe this was a quilts of valor quilt but I didn't get the address so I'm not sure.

I had promised pictures of a quilt I finished a week or so ago but never took the photos. So here is Bricks and Stepping Stones from Quiltville. This will take you directly to the directions for the quilt. I need

to decide whether I'll be starting another quilt from here as a leader and ender. I'm inclined to say no as I have several quilts in various stages that I should use as enders... (I really don't do a leader usually. ) I started with some basic, rather dull fabric. Then as I was doing things with brighter fabrics so I added them. The overall quilt looks bright but you don't have to wear sunglasses with it. I used the same blue fabric in the four patches although the whites were anywhere from beige to bright white. The border was a different blue fabric that was about the same color. Everything on this quilt was from my stash. You can barely see it in this photo but the corners of the borders are 4 patches because I didn't have enough fabric for the borders. And two of the 2" squares are pieced. I think I had a 3 1/2" by 1" piece of that blue fabric left when done.

And check out the backing. I don't usually buy big pieces fabrics for my stash so there wasn't nothing there for a backing. So I decided to use some left over blocks and add 10.5" squares to make up the backing. I thought 10.5" squares would be easy re: math. Evidently I was wrong about that. Oh well.
I have to get my stuff ready to go south tomorrow morning. I am working on my A Tisket, A Tasket baskets from Bunny Hill Designs. I have 4 blocks nearly all completed. Although I think I need to do some embroidery on them. I have 2 in progress. And that leaves 5 not really started! Hopefully, I'll take one or two blocks ready to stitch on while I'm gone. Of course, we might do something completely different. Who knows?
Happy Quilting All!
I love the Bricks and Stepping Stones. That is sooooooooo on my list to do (after I get soje other projects done first!)