I've been ignoring Ruthie a bit over the last 6 weeks. In fact, I only quilted one quilt in October. So, now I am working on Ruthie a bit more. Today I started on a twin size charity quilt from Faithful Circle Quilters. I pulled out one of the pantographs I bought a while ago. I'm a bit more smooth doing it but I'm not overjoyed with the results. I still have some funny looking designs!

See the cute little design below. I just picked one that actually could be seen in the picture.

The next quilt up after this one is a charity quilt made by members of Stash_Quilters on yahoo. It will be going to a wounded soldier as soon as I am finished with it.
And, around the corner is a super deluxe BIG king size quilt for Jenny. Remember seeing this one? It is the one behind all the others. It will just barely fit on Ruthie. I'm pretty sure I will be doing free motion on this quilt. And, knowing my luck I'll probably have to flip it also. I am sure learning about machine quilting with all of these quilts!
And, still waiting to be sewn together is the Mystery Quilt. And, I want to put the binding on the Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt... .... .... time to get onto to all that!
I bet Ruthie is glad to have you back. Have fun!