This is the charity quilt I did Tuesday. I think the stippling looks fine ... did I overlap that spot above the star? Hum, maybe just a close fit.

Here's the one Sharon did. That is actually the same lime green.

Here's more of the one Sharon quilted on Ruthie. At least hers has some of that lime green in the hello kitty fabric. The one I did had NO lime green except the solid.
Are you working on the Bunny Hill A Tisket, A Tasket block of the month? I am. If you remember I started late. And, I've been neglecting them recently. Today I worked on a block at Wednesday quilters. It is almost done... and when it is I'll have 5 blocks done. Hum, I'm only 6 blocks behind! Hey, that isn't too bad, is it? Of course, some that I still have to do have a LOT of pieces to them. I'll keep plugging away on them. They will be done sometime.
I would love to see your Bunny Hill blocks. I was going to do the project but alas...too much of my own design work prevents me from participating!