I had this cute carousel horse piece hanging around the studio. "Ah ha!" says I, "That would look cute in a Project Linus quilt." I rummaged on the shelves and came up with the cream at the top right and the green -- which might be a bit too bright but what the hey! I also found some little pieces of pink and blue to go with but not enough. So, all those pieces went shopping with me. (Hum, were they doing a mind meld on me and convincing me I had to get more fabrics??) I thought the pink stripe would be really cute with the horse. And then the blue was another go with. Now, I plan to cut this up as soon as it all gets washed. So, maybe this will be a top in the very near future. I thought I might use the pink for the borders (if I use borders, and if not, the backing.) We'll see what gets done.

I also found this really cute kitty cat fabric ... on sale, of course. And the moose fabric is flannel. I thought it might go in another rag quilt. Am I totally out of my mind. I don't need any of this. But, if I get snowed in this winter (when it officially arrives) I'll have lots to work on unless we lose electricity again! The center piece is Kona unbleached muslin from Jo-Ann. I happened to have some other Kona -- it felt very similar. This is just to have around. I find I like to use the same neutral fabric in my scrap quilts. So this will serve the purpose.
On to dinner -- I'll be slaving away over a hot oven when I put the frozen pizza in!
Hope to actually get a few more stitches in to the binding of the wall hanging. I thought it would be up on the wall by Sunday, but didn't happen. As always, there is always tomorrow!
Happy quilting. Bonnie
Merry Christmas to YOU,, that's whaat I say when I go fabric shopping , today I went to Local Quilt Store only to buy Mary Ellens Best Press, and they had some new Moda.. browns and pinks.. Love is in the air line.. and I am doing cupcakes,, so I cuold not resist. O well we make pretty things right? have a great evening.
ReplyDeleteCute fabrics...to cute to pass up.