I was all ready to go to the Wednesday Quilters even though we have snow on the streets and driveway. And, it is still snowing. I am showered, dressed and ready to go. (well, hadn't made my lunch yet but that wouldn't have taken long.) The phone rang. No Wed. quilting today. It makes sense but I was going to give it a try. Now, I have a day stretching out in front of me and a few decisions to make. What to do? What to do? . . .

Here is a photo of the carousel horse. Yuck. This photo doesn't make it look very good does it? It is better in person. Plus, I took this in the evening when the light gets weird. I need to make about 20 more blocks to go with these to make it a reasonable size. So I will stash dive again and see what I can find. I have been using up odd pieces of fabrics with this. I purchased the pink stripe and the blue (both around the center block). The pink will also be the border. I have lots of the dark green left. We'll see what happens when I get more blocks done. I don't want to sew it together until all blocks are put together.

And, hearts ... remember Valentine's Day isn't that far off! These are fun, easy hearts to make. Get the direction's from my friend Marge, at Delaware Quilts. They are called
Scrappy Hearts. Marge also runs Mysteries for Relay. You can access that yahoo group by the button in my sidebar. So all you mystery lovers here is another choice for mystery quilt directions.
Snow continues to fall. Or as of right now -- blow sideways. Guess I shouldn't have been planning a day out when I really didn't need to be out and about. It's upstairs to the studio for another round of quilting. (after the towels finish spinning that is!)
Happy Quilting All. And, may 2009 find you well. Bonnie
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