I didn't get on Ruthie yesterday to practice. But I did finish the binding on the little road quilt. (notice, no pictures of my work in this post!) I also trimmed the blue quilt and made the binding for that. Today I will put the binding on and probably turn it and sew it down by machine. Quilting is so-so on that. Not great but parts are good. Now, the big question is how do you stay consistent? I made ovals in the center of what was essentially a four patch... an oval in each patch. Some are fat, some are skinny, some are long, some are short. None match any of its mates! Perhaps I should have done the little mellon thing -- think of a cantelope piece and take that nice round arc and put it on the side of a block... the mellon thing.
Today I may put an old table runner on Ruthie and try to quilt it. It is actually basted with a spray so don't know how that will work. I'll keep you posted.
I also started working on a challenge quilt for Mt. Laurel Quilters. We were given a hanky to put into a quilt in some way. I'll try to remember to share mine tomorrow. I at first thought I would use the roses printed on it to be roses around my house. I started drawing out my house yesterday and realize I have no idea how I would make this look like my house. There are way too many angles etc. So, I'm back to thinking about what to do.... I still like the roses as part of a house -- maybe just not MY house!
Time to get going. Raggs would like his walk, I would like some breakfast. And it is suppose to be sunny and warm today. WHAT sunny -- we have seen so little of it as of late!
The whole cloth quit absolutely takes my breath away.