Here's the close up of the quilting... a bit square,
not round.

On Monday night Jenny and I went to the end of the year pot luck for Faithful Circle Quilters. It was a really nice event this year. And, I won one of these fat quarters and the other was a door prize. They will fit right in with my stash of goodies. (Of course, I am trying to USE fabric not bring in new!)
Up next on Ruthie is a quilt not unlike the one shown above. However, I am going to put the backing as the top because it is a little town scene with roads, etc. It is a great quilt for little car enthusiasts. They can drive over the roads with matchbox cars and visit the library and the school. You get the picture. Anyway, this evening I will be putting it on. Now, I want lunch... I'm hungry! And, yuck, it is poring... good thing Raggs and I went out a half hour ago or so!
practice makes perfect!! I am still practicing on charity quilts and wallhangings.