Saturday was the Airing of the Quilts in Tunkhannock, PA. It was a beautiful day for the hour + drive to the little town of Tunkhannock. Pat and I arrived fairly early so that we could go to Endless Mountain Quiltworks. The place was hopping. It is a lovely store. The staff did a great job of getting people through the cutting line and check out process quickly. Very impressive.

We decided to park the car a bit further down the road, closer to the downtown section. Then we walked to downtown enjoying the various quilts displayed. Quilts of all types and sizes were hung out for display some on fences, some on porches.
We were very taken with this log cabin quilt. It really made me appreciate how this simple quilt can look so complex.
Quilts were even displayed on bushes. It took me seeing this pattern at least 3 or 4 times before I remembered it was designed by the people at Endless Quiltworks. It is called Pennsylvania Turnpike. I even own a copy of the pattern and I still didn't figure it out! The pattern is designed to use with border fabric. I have several strips of borders from one piece of fabric. Part was used on a quilt I am almost finished with. But that leaves several other strips available for me to do in this pattern.
I am hoping I can announce a finished quilt tomorrow. And it is definitely an old ufo. I am on the last of the binding! Time to get it finished.
Happy Quilting! Bonnie
Looks like great weather and beautiful quilts. Your pictures almost could be from a different era. Very charming.