Here's a Valentine's Day Quilt I did a while ago. I quilted it on my Bernina using Press n Seal -- it's actually a kitchen wrap but I traced the design on it and stuck it on the quilt and quilted it free hand. Wasn't that bad, quilting wise. I don't use Press n Seal all that much now. I tend to draw the designs on lightweight tracing paper and then pin them in place. Hum, this has a bad crease in the center. I will need to fold it differently when I store it next.
I still have two threads to tie off and bury on the Carousel Quilt. I found out I hadn't done two short rows of quilting so got that finished. Now to do the 10 minutes of work to finish the whole thing. I keep my projects in plastic bins or boxes (depending on what is available.) I was happy to empty this quilt's bin. I had quite a few fabrics to put away. So, now can I start a new project? NAW. Maybe I'll take out an older project (UFO) and see if I can drum up some interest in it. And, I'm still plugging away on the "million" piece quilt. There are lots of 1.5" x 1" finished pieces in this quilt. Looks great when done. So, again, I just keep adding to the sections. Later I'll try to share pictures of what I've done so far.
I still have two threads to tie off and bury on the Carousel Quilt. I found out I hadn't done two short rows of quilting so got that finished. Now to do the 10 minutes of work to finish the whole thing. I keep my projects in plastic bins or boxes (depending on what is available.) I was happy to empty this quilt's bin. I had quite a few fabrics to put away. So, now can I start a new project? NAW. Maybe I'll take out an older project (UFO) and see if I can drum up some interest in it. And, I'm still plugging away on the "million" piece quilt. There are lots of 1.5" x 1" finished pieces in this quilt. Looks great when done. So, again, I just keep adding to the sections. Later I'll try to share pictures of what I've done so far.
And, I finished the hand stitching on a quilt that's been done since Dec. except hand sewing the binding. And, then I had only 1/4 of the binding to do yet it sat around. It will eventually be a gift for a friend but not yet. I'll get pictures after the label is put on. Maybe I'll make the label today.
I've spent some time recently on some knitting projects. I was knitting at the Wed. quilting group and kept making mistakes on a very easy project. I kept ripping out because I would figure out the mistake and go back to correct it. Some of the mistakes stayed in. Oh well. Pictures when I finish.
Time to get quilting. -- I want to get the red hearts quilt quilted today along with some more motifs of the green, blue and beige quilt.
Happy Quilting -- Bonnie
gorgeous!!! I love the hearts!! thanks for sharing, have a great day,Amy