Don't tell Bonnie I've grabbed the computer to post MY road trip. Hey, did she post all about our trip yet? Nooooo, so why shouldn't I have my squeak?
I was ready to leave early but not the rest of them.
I helped put the luggage in.

We got to sleep on the way down.
And, we had a chow and watering break.

Once we got down to Jen and Brian's it wasn't quite as much fun. In fact, it got down right boring for a while. Raggs and I got put in solitary confinement. Harumph! We didn't do anything and they slapped us in the crate. So we slept, after Raggs drooled all over me. Oh please, give that dog a bib!
Even though we had been good, we got slapped in that crate again the next day. Really, get over the chewed papers already!
It was a bit dicey that afternoon when lots of folks came over. But it was nice to see Cassie, the wild woman, again. Butt sniff right back at you, doll.
Sunday morning was great. We all went on a walk at Sligo Creek. That Kona sure knows how to walk that leash. Raggs and I tried the bottom of the slide.

Show off Kona went down the slide.

We had to keep on our toes so all those bicyclists didn't hit us.
Those dogs with their tongues hanging out. Honestly, you guys are a mess. Can't you just keep a smile on your faces and keep going?

Sligo Creek Park is really a nice place to hang out. Take some pictures, sniff the ground...
Hey, wait for me... just cause I was getting my picture taken you didn't have to leave with out me!! Wait, hold up guys.

Raggs volunteered to carry me for a while until he realized he couldn't pant and carry me at the same time. Guess what he decided? Ok, help! Someone come get me. Don't leave me.

Aren't the flowers pretty? Wait, you think it is poison ivy? No, Bonnie isn't that crazy to put me in the middle of poison ivy. Oh quit your kidding around, you nearly gave me a heart attack!

Those crazy dogs were so wiped out after the little walk.
We left to come home to PA after lunch. They wouldn't even get me ice cream at Brusters. So why did Raggs get some then? Huh, huh?
I'm pretty worn out from the trip. And, hey, it ain't that easy typing with mushy hands either.
Maybe this will motivate Bonnie to tell more. But, I know she is getting ready for the long arm to show up on Thursday.
I don't know anything about this quilting thing but hope you have a squeaky fun day.
Santa Dog!
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